In checking my Technorati page this morning, I found that Bob Eisenbach of Cooley Godward LLP, recently started In The (Red); Business Bankruptcy Blog and was nice enough to link to this site.  I hope everyone  will check out the new entry and add it to your feed and reading lists.

Steve Jakubowski at the Bankruptcy Litigation Blog posted a nice note about the new bankruptcy blogs that followed his lead, including this one. I was not aware of the Credit Slips: A Discussion of Credit and Bankruptcy Blog which is authored by several well-known and highly respected professors, including Elizabeth Warren of Harvard and Melissa Jacoby (a professor at my alma mater, The University of North Carolina School of Law — Go Heels!!). 

If you are reading this, you have probably tapped into the information you can find on the web.  Take a few minutes to surf the links on the right-hand side, and the links from those sites.

If you are interested in getting a professional blog, get in touch with Kevin at LexBlog.  If you want to give it a look before investing, get a domain name ( for $8 a year, a typepad account for about $9/month for up to 3 blogs, and give it a shot.  Many of the most popular blogs are on low cost or free accounts, and if you want to change over to a pro version later, they can simply import the content and you are on the way.  You can even find several blogs by professional marketing people, and get all the free tips you want about marketing via blog.