Vubotics, Inc., (FDBA Halifax International, Inc.; FDBA Christopher Partners, Inc.), filed a Chapter 11 petition in the Northern District of Georgia on November 18, 2008. Ch. 11 Case No. 08-83616-jb (click here for petition). (Google Finance, Yahoo Finance).
The company website includes the following description of its products:
VuBotics was formed in 2005 to create products that improve information delivery. From years of research and studies that examine why digital information is more difficult to consume, more stressful and ultimately 25% slower than book reading, we believe that the VuBotics’ VuIT™ family of technologies for email, TextCasting and online reading represent a very real solution to many information delivery problems.
As successful authors like Dan Brown, Tom Clancy and J.K. Rowling have demonstrated for us, the written word can be more powerful than any special effects wizardry. Our technology can enhance that experience by allowing the author to control the the user experience on any screen, device or mobile phone anywhere.