Like most lawyers, I am often asked what kinds of cases I generally handle. Obviously, one of my practice areas is bankruptcy law, but I also receive questions about what specific types of bankruptcy matters I handle. After a year and a half of publishing this Blog, I thought it time to describe my practice areas in a little more detail.
1. Bankruptcy – I started my career clerking for Judge Homer Drake, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge for the Northern District of Georgia in 1991, was in the bankruptcy section of a large Atlanta firm for several years, and have maintained a bankruptcy practice since then.
- On the debtor side, I handle small and medium-size business Chapter 11 cases as well as Chapter 7 cases. I also handle a relatively small number of individual Chapter 7 cases, usually where there are complications such as business debt or potential litigation. As I get many calls from individuals from this Blog, if I can’t handle a case I have developed some very good referral sources. I welcome all calls, and am happy to help people find a lawyer if I am unable to assist.
- I handle bankruptcy litigation for creditors and other parties. I have prosecuted and defended preferential transfer and fraudulent conveyance actions, and many other litigation matters that arise in a bankruptcy case. I also handle litigation for Chapter 7 Trustees.
- I have litigation corporate governance cases, including breach of fiduciary duty matters, in the context of bankruptcy cases in Georgia and other districts. I frequently post about these issues in this Blog (see the Corporate and Fiduciary Litigation category).
2. Business and Real Estate Litigation. I handle a wide variety of business matters, including disputes between partners or shareholders, business collection matters, and other business disputes.
- A significant part of my litigation practice involves real estate matters. Over the last several years, I have represented several residential, commercial and golf course developers. I have also acted as counsel in some of the larger mortgage fraud cases in the Northern District of Georgia.
- I have handled construction and defect cases in Georgia and several other states.
- I have handled real estate and title matters for several title insurance companies.
- As I mentioned above, I have handled disputes between partners and shareholders, trade secret cases, and prosecuted and defended breach of fiduciary duty and other corporate governance cases.
This is just a brief summary of my practice over the years, and is by no means and exclusive list. I am fortunate to get a large percentage of my cases from referrals from other lawyers and professionals, and I welcome any emails or calls.