Here is a list of events of interest to Bankruptcy lawyers in Georgia. Please send a message or leave a comment if there are others.
April 14-16, 2011 — 37th Annual Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute. There is still time to register (click here). The good news is that it covers more than a year’s worth of CLE in Georgia and other states. It will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Buckhead.
April 28, 2011 (7:30 – 9:00 am) – Atlanta Bar Bankruptcy Section Breakfast. The location is the Buckhead Club and the speaker will be Christopher Tierney, CFE of Hays Financial Consulting in Atlanta. The topic will be "Generating Cash in Hard Times – What People Will Do to Stay Afloat and the Trouble it can Bring."
May 19, 2011 – Atlanta Bar Association CLE Program and Pollard Award Luncheon. Full details will be available later, but save the date.