Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Year in Review


(Click Here for detailed Brochure).

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 (9:00 AM – 3:30 PM)
The Commerce Club at 191 Peachtree
49th Floor
191 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA United States


8:30a – Registration and refreshments

9:00a – Bankruptcy Law Year in Review, Part 1
Hon. Paul Bonapfel, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, NDGA
Hon. Mary Grace Diehl, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, NDGA
Beth Anne Harrill, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, NDGA
James A. Pardo, Jr., King & Spalding LLP
Harris Winsberg, King & Spalding LLP

10:30a – Refreshment break

10:45a – Bankruptcy Law Year in Review, Part 2

12:15p – Luncheon

1:30p – Commercial Law Year in Review
C. Edward Dobbs, Parker Hudson Rainer & Dobbs LLP
Alfred S. Lurey, Kilpatrick Stockton LLP

3:30p – Adjourn

5 CLE/0 Ethics/0 Trial/0 Professionalism


• To attend in person, complete the registration form on the reverse and return it to the Atlanta Bar or register online at

• To attend the live webcast, register directly with Peach New Media, our self-study CLE partner, by calling 770-805-6292 or online at (click on Atlanta Bar Association). You will receive “in-house” CLE credit for webcast participation.

Early Registration Discount
for in-person attendance: Register by December 1, 2010 and receive a $20 discount!

Parking: Pre-paid validated parking ($10) or regularpriced self-parking is available at the 191 Peachtree parking deck. There are other decks and lots within two blocks. Enter the 191 Peachtree Deck at the corner of Peachtree Center Avenue and Ellis Street.