If you are member of the Atlanta Bar Association, you  received an email about the upcoming elections (click here for the elections information page).   

I am a candidate this year for the Members at Large Board of the Atlanta Bar Bankruptcy Section.  My reasons for running in the election are quite simple – get involved, and use my experience in electronic networking to get information out to lawyers.

I have published this Blog since late 2005 (the BAPCPA), and the Blog consistently ranks among the Top 50 legal blogs nationwide according to Justia.  Posts from the Blog have been used in prior editions of The Atlanta Bankruptcy Lawyer newsletter (click here for Winter 2008) and referenced in the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Wall Street Journal Online edition, and other publications.  Technology has come a long way in the past few years, and now there are even more methods of getting information out to lawyers.   I can help the Atlanta Bar move forward in that respect. 

If you still have your email from the Atlanta Bar, it has a link to the voting site, along with your user name and password.  If you do not have it, you can log in the election website by clicking here and retrieve your user name and password. 

I appreciate your consideration and vote. 


Scott B. Riddle, Esq.
Suite 2250 Resurgens Plaza
945 East Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta GA 30326
Ph. 404-815-0164
Fax. 404-815-0165
